Different Types of String Patterns

Different Types of String Patterns


16x19, 18x20.... these numbers do look confusing at first but what are these numbers? These are called string patterns. For instance, 16x19 means there are 16 strings running in the mains I.e., they run vertically from the throat to the tip of the frame. The number of main strings is always listed first. The number 18 refers to the number of cross strings. They horizontally across the racquet. The number of mains and crosses in a racquet affects the performance. There are 2 types of string patterns.

  • Open string patterns
  • Dense string patterns
  • In between patterns

Open string patterns

These are called open string patterns because the string spacing is larger. The advantages of this pattern are that a player is able to hit a ball with good depth, power and spin. The ball stays for a longer period on the racquet and hence sends it out with great spin. The most common string patterns are 16x19 and 16x18.

Dense string patterns

The biggest change one can notice is that the holes are smaller in this pattern when compared to the open pattern. The tighter string spacing hence creates a denser pattern. This pattern type is great for the players who hit flat shots and don’t use spin to control the shots. Another added advantage of this pattern is that it's great for slicing.This pattern will help get the ball drop inside the lines, while still allowing the players to hit through the ball.

In between patterns

As the name say’s in between patterns is a blend of the other 2 patterns mentioned above. The main aim of this pattern type is to give the performance of an open pattern mixed with denser string beads. The example of an in between pattern is 16x20, 18x19.

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